Whether the examination will be offline or online?
Ans: This will be Computer Based Test and will be conducted through Online mode only
Who is eligible for JEE (Main) - 2025?
Ans: 1) Only those candidates who have passed their Class 12th Examination or any equivalent qualifying examination in 2020, 2021 or those who are appearing in their Class 12th Examination or any equivalent qualifying examination in 2025 are eligible to appear in JEE (Main) Examination be held in January - 2019 as well as in April - 2019. Candidates who had passed Class XII/qualifying examination in 2016 or before as well as those who will appear in such examination in 2020 or later are not eligible to appear in JEE(Main)-2025. Candidate who appeared in Class XII/ equivalent qualifying examination in 2019, did not pass in 2019, but passed in 2020 are not eligible to appear in JEE(Main)-2025.
2)Age Limit For appearing in the JEE (Main)-2025 examination there is no age limit for the candidates. The candidates who have passed XII examination in 2020, 2021 or appearing in 2025 irrespective of their age can appear in JEE (Main)-examination 2019. The candidates should satisfy themselves about the eligibility of age limit requirements of the Institutes in which he/she is desirous of taking admission.
If a candidate has passed in 2021 and appearing for improvement in 2025. Is he eligible?
What is the state of eligibility for the Improvement Candidates/Institution Abroad/NIOS?
Ans: If a candidate has passed Class 12th/Equivalent qualifying examination from one State but appeared for improvement from another State, his/her State code of eligibility will be
from where he/she has originally passed Class 12th/Equivalent qualifying examination and not the State from where he/she has appeared for improvement. Indian Nationals passing the equivalent qualifying examination from
an institution abroad, the State of Eligibility will be determined on the basis of permanent address in India as given in the Passport of the candidate. Candidate passed/appearing class 12th from NIOS should select the
State of Eligibility according to the State in which the study centre is located. The state of eligibility is not applicable for the candidates belonging to Nepal /Bhutan/Foreign/OCI/PIO.
What are the provisions for persons with disabilities candidates?
Ans: The provisions for persons with disabilities candidates is clearly mentioned in the Information Bulletin of JEE(main)-2025
How many times a student can appear in one year?
Ans: As per the new scheme, the JEE (Main) - 2025 exam would be conducted twice in a year. The Number of attempts for admission in a particular academic session will be treated as One. The age eligibility as prescribed under clause Point No-2.9 “Eligibility for appearing in JEE (Main) – 2025” allows a candidate to appear in JEE (Main) for three consecutive years.
What is eligibility for Diploma Students in JEE (Main) - 2025?
Ans: To appear in JEE (Advanced) a diploma holder can apply in JEE (Main) - 2025 but his/her rank and NTA score for JEE (Main) will not be declared as diploma holders cannot apply for admission to NITs and CFTIs through JEE (Main) channel.
How Normalization score will be decided?
Ans: Please download the Normalization Procedure NTA Score from the Home Page of JEE(Main) website i.e. for details.
How can I apply for JEE (Main) - 2025?
Ans: Application form for JEE (Main) - 2025 can be submitted only online through website Details are available under Chapter - 5 “Application procedure for JEE (Main) - 2025” as provided in the Information Bulletin of JEE (Main) - 2025. Keep the correct details ready before submission of form after carefully reading of Information Bulletin.
Whether the photograph without name and date of photograph is accepted?
Ans: Though instructions are given in clause - 5.3 of information bulletin as to how to upload the photograph. However if any candidate has uploaded the photograph without date and time inadvertently, the same will also be accepted
Why option for Date and Shift is not given in JEE (Main) - 2025?
Ans: To determine the NTA Score on the basis of two attempts made by the equal number of candidates is a prerequisite. Hence, the random allotment will be made by the computer software, as per decision taken by the NTA
Is there any change in the syllabus of JEE (Main) - 2025?
Ans: There is no change in the Syllabus of JEE (Main) - 2025.
What will be the pattern of examination?
Ans: JEE (Main) – 2025 shall have two papers, Paper-1 (B.E./B.Tech.) and Paper-2 (B.Arch./B.Planning.). Candidates may take Paper-1 (B.E./B.Tech.), or Paper-2 (B.Arch./B.Planning.), or both as per the course(s) they are seeking admission to. Subject combinations for each paper, type of questions in each paper and mode of examination available is given in the table below.
Paper - 1(B.E./B.Tech.) | Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics | Objective type with equal weightage to Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry | “Computer Based Test(CBT)” mode only |
Paper-2 (B.Arch./B.Planning) | Mathematics – Part I Aptitude Test – Part II | Objective type | “Computer Based Test(CBT)” mode only |
Questions to test drawing aptitude | “Pen and Paper Based” (offline) mode to be attempted on Drawing Sheet |
How can I check the status of ny JEE (main)-2025 examination fees?
Ans: The candidates are required to check the status of fee payment at NTA website ( candidate should take the printout of Confirmation Page.
In case, the Confirmation Page is not being downloaded. The candidates are advised to follow as following:-
i) If the fee is paid through e-challan by depositing cash in the nearest SBI bank, the candidate should contact immediately the concerned bank to update his/her fee status on the website.
ii) If the fee is paid through credit/debit card and status is not OK, wait for at least 48 hours for updation. If still not updated, it means the transaction is cancelled and the amount will aut
omatically be refunded to concerned credit/debit card within 7 –10 days. Therefore, such candidates have to pay the fee once again and ensure the OK fee status.
Will the application of JEE (main)-2025 be rejected if a candidate have filled duplicate forms?
Ans: Multiple forms leads to cancellation of Application Form of JEE (Main)-2025. However, NTA will accept one Application Form and Admit card will be issued on only single Application Form. Kindly refer to point No-2 in “IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND DATES AT A GLANCE” of Information Bulletin for JEE (Main)-2025.
Will the JEE exams get tougher from 2019 onwards due to involvement of National Testing Agency?
Ans: No. The syllabus and the pattern of the examination would remain the same.
When JEE (Main)-2025 is be conducted?
Ans: NTA has conducted the JEE Mains 2022 exam in two session - June and July.
Can I use calculator in online examination conducted by NTA?
Ans: No. Candidates are not allowed to carry calculators or any other electronic device in the examination centre. Detailed information in this regard is available in the Information Bulletin.
I have no access to a computer and no experience with online examination. How can I prepare for the examination?
Ans: NTA will be identifying schools, colleges and other institutions with internet and computer facilities in due course of time. The same will be designated as Test Practice Centers (TPCs) for facilitating free practice sessions.
Which Browser is to be used for applying the online application of JEE (main)-2025 Examination?
Ans: Candidate should Use Mozilla Firefox/Internet Explorer (above 9.0) and good internet connection while filling online Application Form. In case of continuous time out clear cookies and history of the browser and fill in off-peak hours.
Is it necessary to appear in JEE (Main) Examination twice? If I give the examination on both the occasions, which score will be considered?
Ans: No it is not necessary to appear in JEE (Main) twice. This would be optional for the candidate to appear once or twice for the current academic session. In case
a candidate appears in both the tests, the better of the two scores will be used for the admissions and eligibility for JEE (Advance)-2019 they have attempted both the examinations, best of the scores would be taken for the merit list.
Will there be any changes in the JoSSA counselling process ?
Ans: No, there is no change in JoSSA counselling process.